Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom, by Ron Paul, Grand Central Publishing, 328 pages, $24.99
Montgomery Insurance appointed agents in Georgia and Tennessee who would like to learn more about SafeSchools may contact Jim Nulsen, National Accounts Director, Scenario Learning at (800) 434 - 0154, ext. 7009 or e-mail went through a number of iterations and on September 21, 1789 the House voted to accept changes made by the Senate. When the amendment was ultimately entered into the House journal it read as:Paul's newest book, Liberty Defined, issued at the dawn of what is looking like another presidential run, makes no mention of White House campaigns, past or future, except in its jacket bio. It's an "A to Z" exercise, a collection of 50 short essays on policy and philosophical issues arranged alphabetically. It is mercifully not titled thusly, or else we'd be talking about "So Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom, From Abortion to Zionism."Paul's newsmaking 2008 presidential run emphasized a noninterventionist foreign policy that made him anathema to the rest of his party. But those views helped inspire a ragtag, young, and surprisingly large political movement that shows few signs of dissipating three years later. Animated by this unlikely coalition, Paul's career-long crusade to shed light on, rein in, and ultimately destroy the Federal Reserve became a mass populist cause. Provisions of his perennial "audit the Fed" bill were incorporated into a bill the House passed in 2009 (although it did not become law).To the surprise of many, after Republicans retook the House of Representatives in November 2010, he became chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy, which oversees the Federal Reserve.SafeSchools has helped more than 2,500 school districts nationwide reduce costs and increase safety through proper staff training. Districts that have most successfully implemented the online training program have experienced a 51 percent decrease in the severity of property and liability claims and a 58 percent decrease in workers' compensation claims - saving thousands of educational dollars annually.On the other hand, the Ron Paul of Liberty Defined seems in many ways designed to antagonize the standard right wing while emphasizing areas of affinity with the progressive left. This is not some centrist "liberaltarian" project of selling liberty to pundits and intellectuals of the Democratic mainstream. Ever the rebel, Ron Patti sounds more like a "left-libertarian," reaching out to the far reaches of the progressive left and the downtrodden to challenge concentrations of statist power.The initial proposed passage that related to arms was penned by James Madison and brought to the floor of the House of Representatives during the first session of Congress, on June 8, 1789. This is how it read:The SafeSchools system includes a comprehensive library of more than 175 online courses covering a wide variety of essential school safety topics. Each SafeSchools course is completely school-focused and written by a leading authority on school safety. SafeSchools training is available online, saving districts time and money. Each course completion is automatically tracked and recorded by SafeSchools' compliance management system and a variety of real-time reports are available on-demand for administrators. Using SafeSchools, school districts can comply with certain state requirements and develop a sound risk management culture to help mitigate exposure and losses.CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 12, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Montgomery Insurance, a Liberty Mutual Agency Corporation regional company, is partnering with SafeSchools to create safer learning environments for their insured schools throughout Georgia and Tennessee. Schools insured through the Montgomery Insurance School Program will have access to SafeSchools, the leading web-based safety training and compliance management system designed specifically for K thru 12 school employees.Today millions of people own guns. Along with the ownership comes responsibility. Because they are potentially deadly weapons, guns must be safely and responsibly stored. There are a number of ways to secure firearms in order to prevent their theft or misuse by children.Liberty Defined underscores one of the enduring peculiarities of Ron Paul. On one hand he is a Republican, an Air Force veteran, a family man, a culturally old-fashioned grandfather type. Prior to 2008, he was identified with the populist right wing of the larger libertarian coalition. When he ran for the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination in 1988, Paul was the man of the right against the culturally and politically left-leaning Indian activist Russell Means, who fought the reds at Wounded Knee.Paul attacks the military draft and the CIA. In a discussion of why democracy can never be the highest political value, he is brave enough to defend a retarded man arrested for having child pornography on his computer. When it comes to foreign policy, he goes straight for empathy: Can't we understand why people in the Middle East might want to fight and kill us when we invade their countries, blow up their cities, support their dictators, and kill their families?These progressive-friendly trappings extend to sues of deadly force. In Liberty Defined, Patti admits to one of the very few policy changes of his political career: He is now against the federal death penalty, citing its disproportionate effect on the poor. He attacks the drug war on similar grounds. He adores civil disobedience, praising Martin Luther King for his peaceful fight against "state-enforced segregation," even while objecting to King's leftist economics.And a variety of locks, which range from biometric (fingerprint) locks to keys and/or high quality combination locks, are available.
You would expect someone with presidential ambitions and Ron Paul's set of small-government views to co-opt the energies of the Tea Party movement, as his son Rand decidedly has. But Paul pere mentions the movement only a few times, and he upbraids Tea Partiers for not understanding that being against tax-and-spend socialism entails embracing a noninterventionist, peaceful foreign policy. When he mentions the political party whose presidential nomination he seeks, it is often while criticizing the GOP for "despicable" demagoguery on issues like flag burning or the Pledge of Allegiance.
Author: Brian Doherty
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