Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

The second amendment to the United States Constitution was adopted on December 15, 1791 and is part of the United States Bill of Rights. It protects your right to keep and bear arms.

You would expect someone with presidential ambitions and Ron Paul's set of small-government views to co-opt the energies of the Tea Party movement, as his son Rand decidedly has. But Paul pere mentions the movement only a few times, and he upbraids Tea Partiers for not understanding that being against tax-and-spend socialism entails embracing a noninterventionist, peaceful foreign policy. When he mentions the political party whose presidential nomination he seeks, it is often while criticizing the GOP for "despicable" demagoguery on issues like flag burning or the Pledge of Allegiance."Montgomery Insurance is looking at how it can best serve its insured districts. Providing our system to school policyholders in Georgia and Tennessee speaks to the commitment Montgomery Insurance has made to school safety and we're honored to work with such an outstanding company," said Brian Taylor, president and chief executive officer, Scenario Learning.About SafeSchoolsAbout Montgomery InsuranceWith underwriting companies dating back to 1848, Montgomery Insurance offers a comprehensive set of commercial property and casualty products and coverages distributed only through appointed independent agents. Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Montgomery Insurance operates in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.Large gun safes can often accommodate twenty or more long guns along with several dozen hand guns, accessories, and ammunition. These fire resistant safes often offer up to two hours of protection should there be a fire, even if it's 1,300 degrees or more.RON PAUL by now is well-known for many things, yet he remains an underrated retail politician. Paul has the extraordinary distinction of having won a seat in Congress as a nonincumbent on three separate occasions. After fighting his own Republican Party to regain a House seat in 1996 (the GOP establishment preferred a turncoat Democrat in the primary), Dr. No has won re-election in the 14th Congressional District of Texas by progressively larger margins in every campaign but one. In 2004 and 2008 the Democratic Party didn't bother running a candidate against him. All this even though Paul eschews such fall-safe political gambits as cosponsoring (or even voting for) spending bills that benefit his constituents and makes a point of directly challenging such modern Republican notions as an ever-expanding warfare state--all while representing what he characterizes as a Bible Belt conservative stronghold.With that being said, the best option a gun owner could take in order to prevent unauthorized access and theft is to buy and use a large gun safe. That's because large gun safes, which can weigh five hundred pounds or more, are anchored to the floor and are designed to stop both common burglars as well as skilled safe crackers from breaking into them.The best option, bar none, would be to buy and store your firearms in a gun safe. Because every city or state might impose their own specific gun liability and storage laws, all gun owners should make it their responsibility to know, understand, and follow those laws.

If you are looking for a gun safe, probably the best advice would be to buy a bigger gun safe than you think that you need. That's because you probably are going to want to acquire more guns in the future. And you can also use the extra space to keep your passports, jewelry, and other important papers safe and sound.

Author: Wendy Moyer

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